I'm missing a few journal entries from this week because I was so busy, but here's the gist of what happened:
On Monday, I met our teachers for the week: John Paul and Rochelle Ruiz. They are such amazing people. They work in the healing rooms at Bethel Church in California, and they are incredibly gifted in leading worship. We did some getting-to-know-each-other activities, some worship, and started class with the topic of how to read through the Bible and the importance of knowing the history of someone you're intimate with. John Paul shared some tips with making sense of the old testament, then after a short break we talked about the most important love story: how God is pursuing us. We discussed needs and attributes of intimacy, and how God wants to have the same relationship with us as he did with Adam and Eve in Eden.
Monday night, JP and Rochelle led our English Worship Service, and it was amazing. They are truly gifted people who really understand the art of worshipping and loving God.
On Tuesday, Rochelle taught us about how God desires an intimate relationship with us, and two important things that we have to do to achieve that: being honest with Him, and making time for Him. That evening I hung out with Kalissa, our DTS leader who is pretty much the sweetest lady who's ever lived, and we played checkers and listened to the Spanish bible study class downstairs.
Wednesday's class was two days packed into one: before the break, we talked about the fruits of intimacy, and after we talked about God's love letters to us, or His word. The fruits of intimacy can be broken up into categories: God, You, Others, and Worship. From God, we get access, protection, and revelation. For ourselves, we get identity, gifts, and a destiny. For others, we have the strength from God to love and help them. And then there's worship, which JP describes as "realigning our focus back to God." After the break, we discussed many aspects of God's word, or His love letters to us. His word is settled; it will never change and will always be true for everyone. Then we discussed four truths from the Bible: we are what it says we are, we have what it says we have, we can do what it says we can do, and we are God's forever.
On Wednesday night, we went into Antigua and I had my one-on-one with Kalissa, who, I reiterate, is the best ever. We had coffee and talked for a couple hours while the others were doing Soup Run, a homeless ministry that YWAM runs. It was one of those great times where you can just share your heart with someone; everything from your life dreams to the plot of your favorite book. It was wonderful.
Thursday was our last official day of class with JP and Rochelle and we talked about something incredibly important: how our relationships with others affect how we see the Trinity. Our view of the Father, obviously, comes from our earthly fathers. But the other two, I'd never considered; our view of the Holy Spirit is influenced by our mothers, and our view of Jesus is influenced by our siblings and friends. We spent a lot of time in prayer and worship, dealing with past hurts and asking God to show us who He really is. It was a wonderful day of healing and forgiveness.
Friday morning, the Ruizes led worship for us and then we had prayer time, quiet time, and small group time. It was mostly a quiet, peaceful day at home.
Saturday, I went into Antigua again with the group. I bought some sweaters and a new huipil, which is the blouse of the traditional Guatemalan dress. We had lunch and came home and hung out at the base.
On Sunday, we went to church, went to Pollo Campero for lunch, went to the grocery store, and I dyed my hair bright red. It was a lovely, peaceful Sunday of preparing for the week ahead.
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